Estimating how much you need is easy, but our staff are always happy to help.

Estimation of number of rolls:

  • For a standard wall, you should get 3 drops to a roll for a room with a standard ceiling height (2.5m).
  • Check the length of the wall.
  • Divide the length of the wall by the width of the wallpaper (usually 530mm, but note that may vary, for example, Porter's Grasscloth is 910mm wide).
  • Divide that number by 3 and you will get the number of rolls needed.

Example with a 6 metres length wall:

  • Divide 6 by 0.530 (wallpaper roll width) = 11.3
  • Divide 11.3 by 3 (number of drops per roll ) = 3.7 rolls
  • We recommend to purchase 4 rolls.

Check that all rolls are the same batch number

It will ensure consistency of colour and pattern.

Estimating Wallpaper Paste

Count 1.5kg of paste per roll. We recommend Porter's Wallpaper Paste.